
Does Bias Stem from Racism or Ignorance?

  Source:      Over the past few weeks, I have had the privilege of talking to several people with diverse backgrounds, and one question came up repeatedly: does bias stem from racism or simply ignorance? Different people think about this differently. Those I talked to are optimistic, believing that people are inherently good and that their biases stem from a lack of understanding of certain behaviors rather than inherent racism.  Minorities/people who have been discriminated against generally feel the need to work harder to break down racial barriers and “overachieve.”  For them, doing better than the other person is the only way to get ahead of the game (especially in a competitive environment such as the tech industry). The people I interviewed came from different racial backgrounds, and it was evident that they faced a form of unconscious bias during the interview process. Many of them were passed over in interviews, despite be...

Bias - Conscious or Unconscious?

     As we’ve seen in the last year or so, blatant examples of racism have filled news headlines. But many other examples of discrimination and hate crimes have occurred in the same time span and are only receiving attention now. What about these types of discrimination that are just as hurtful, derogatory, and even dangerous? These thoughts led me to look into issues around conscious and unconscious bias, which delves into how more subtle forms of racism, sexism, and LGBTQ discrimination are propagated even in the most professional environments. So what is unconscious bias? It is the bias that shows up in a person's behavior that they themselves are totally unaware of. I t is higher in frequency and sometimes built into the way we think, so much so, that we don’t even realize it’s discrimination!      Bias can be conscious or unconscious. Interestingly enough, conscious forms of bias tend to be seen less in modern day life. For example, sixty or so years a...